Saturday, June 20, 2020

Burney Falls

McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park. A mouthful.

The first thing I did was take a delectable shower so that I could stand next to people for a couple of days. I ate lunch at Lake Britton and then snoozed and read on a bluff above the shoreline. A warm to hot breeze felt pretty good in the shade. It's a popular place for motor boats. A search for two lost children went on around me, conjuring memories of sad childhood memories. Eventually the kids were found and I headed back to the falls, where the breeze was wet. Most of the people were in family groups, and while the wives and kids generally smiled, the fathers looked at me with a slight hostility. I was dressed a bit too much like a mountain hiker for what is mostly a short trail, but this was really the only look I had. I also suspect they questioned why a grown man who didn't’t have to be here was here at all.

The waterfalls were spectacular.

Burney Falls

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